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Prior Attainment Level
What is your highest level of Qualification?

Use the following table to help you pick the correct qualification level...

LevelAcademic Qualification EquivalentVocational Qualification Equivalent
Entry Level Word Power / Number Power 
Level 1 GCSE/O Level Grades D-G (or fewer than 5 at grades A-C) CSE below Grade 1 1 AS Level BEC General Certificate BEC Diploma BTEC First Certificate City & Guilds Operative Awards CPVE Year 1 (Technician) GNVQ Foundation LCCI Elementary/First Level NVQ Level 1 PEI Elementary/First Level RSA Elementary/First Level RSA Vocational Certificate
Level 2 GCSE/O Level (5 or more at Grades A-C) CSE Grade 1 (5 or more) 1 A Level 2/3 AS Levels BEC General Certificate with Credit BEC Diploma with Credit BTEC First Diploma City & Guilds Higher Operative/Craft GNVQ Intermediate LCCI Certificate (Second Level) NVQ Level 2 PEI Stage 2 Pitmans Intermediate Level 2 Diploma Certificate RSA Diploma
Level 3 2 or more A Levels 4 or more AS Levels BEC National ONC/OND BTEC National ONC/OND City & Guilds Advanced Craft GNVQ Advanced LCCI Diploma (Third Level) NVQ Level 3 Pitmans Level 3 Advanced Higher Certificate RSA Stage 3 Advanced Diploma TEC Certificate/Diploma Access to Higher Education Courses ESOL & Foreign Language Advanced Awards
Level 4 Teaching Qualifications (Including PGCE) First Degree BEC National HNC/HND BTEC National HNC/HND Higher Education Certificate Higher Education Diploma LCCI Advanced Level NVQ 4 Nursing (SRN) RSA Advanced Certificate RSA Higher Diploma
Level 5 Master’s degree Ph.D. or other doctorates